A Message from the CEO

The rhythm of your organization is a reflection of you, its leader.  When you are faced with unexpected requirements outside of normal business operations that impede your pace and progress and you need management support, let us help.  We will provide strategic resources to support your specific management needs, both short and longer term. These include but are not limited to corporate planning, contract development, systems engineering, operations execution, people and workforce management, and stakeholder relationships. We also offer leadership coaching and consulting on a retainer basis.

Our organization is agile, focused, responsive, and capable. We partner with seasoned corporate and federal leaders and managers with demonstrated skills and experience to serve governmental, corporate, and private entities. We operate both virtually and in person, as needed.

Contact us to discuss your management needs.  Together we can design an approach, finalize the task agreement, and launch the work expeditiously. We will provide you carefully vetted professionals with backgrounds targeted strategically to achieve the highest quality work.

Shannon A. Brennan

CEO, Shannon A. Brennan & Associates, LLC

Senior Fellow, Partnership for Public Service

SAPM, Stanford Advanced Project Manager